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Everyone has their own idea of the perfect vacation destination, and there’s no wrong answer when it comes to where you want to go. However, there are some areas of the world that are simply not safe for tourists – even if they haven’t experienced any crime or violence firsthand. In this article, we’re going to take a look at the ten most dangerous tourist destinations in the world, and why you should avoid visiting them if you can.





Somalia is a country located in Eastern Africa. The majority of the population resides on the Horn of Africa. Somalia has been plagued by civil wars since 1991, which has made it one of the most dangerous places to travel to in the world. The country is also highly unstable, with al-Shabab, an Islamist militant group, controlling large portions of the rural areas. There have been numerous terrorist incidents in Somalia including attacks by al-Shabab on hotels and nightclubs in Mogadishu, as well as suicide bombings carried out by members of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in 2016. Additionally, piracy off the Somali coast has increased in recent years, with several ships being hijacked and crews being held for ransom.





Syria is one of the most dangerous places to travel to in the world. The country has been in a civil war since 2011 and there is ongoing violence. There are also terrorist groups active in Syria and terrorist attacks occur regularly. If you are planning to visit Syria, make sure you have a valid passport and plenty of money with you to cover any emergencies that may arise.





Iraq is the most dangerous place to travel to in the world. According to the 2018 World Health Organization (WHO) Travel and Health Bulletin, Iraq is now in the top five countries with the highest levels of violence and insecurity. In fact, according to WHO, “Iraq is one of only three countries where both violence and terrorism are leading causes of death”.

There are a number of reasons why Iraq is so dangerous. Firstly, there is ongoing conflict between government forces and extremist groups such as ISIS. This has resulted in widespread violence and chaos, with civilians caught in the middle. Secondly, there is a lack of infrastructure, which means that hospitals are often unable to cope with emergencies. Thirdly, there is a high risk of contracting diseases such as HIV/Aids and hepatitis A. Finally, despite an increase in security measures since 2017, Iraq remains one of the least safe countries in the world to travel to.





The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) defines the most dangerous places to travel as the twenty most risky destinations in the world. The list is based on data collected from 2013 by the UNWTO’s International Alert and Response Team (IART).

Yemen has retained its position as the number one most dangerous country in the world, according to IART. The main reasons for this are terrorism, political instability and criminal activity.

Terrorism is a major threat in Yemen and has been for some time. There have been numerous terrorist attacks in Yemen, including two major incidents in 2015 that killed over 140 people. Terrorists continue to target both tourists and local residents, making Yemen one of the most dangerous countries in the world for both visitors and locals.

Political instability is also a major issue in Yemen. The country has been in a state of civil war since 2014, with multiple parties fighting for control of the government. This political instability makes it difficult to travel safely and makes it difficult to operate businesses or conduct day-to-day activities. Additionally, there is a high level of crime in Yemen, including kidnapping and extortion. This makes it difficult for people to live their lives normally and makes it difficult for tourists to enjoy the country’s attractions.





Venezuela is one of the most dangerous places in the world to travel to. In recent years, the country has seen a rise in gang violence and political instability. Violent crimes such as robbery and homicide are common, and tourists are especially at risk. In addition to crime, Venezuela is also experiencing significant shortages of food, medical supplies, and electricity. As a result, many travelers are choosing to avoid Venezuela altogether.





Iran could be a dangerous place to travel to, as the country is rife with political unrest and terrorist activity. The Iranian government has been accused of carrying out human rights abuses, including torture, imprisonment, and executions. Additionally, Iran is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, which makes it difficult to navigate and safety precautions must be taken at all times.

In recent years, there have been a number of terrorist attacks in Iran, including an attack on the parliament in 2015 that killed 17 people. There are also ongoing protests throughout the country that have turned violent on occasions. Travelers should avoid all areas where there are protests or large gatherings of people, as these can turn violent quickly.

If you do decide to travel to Iran, make sure you have a detailed itinerary and follow all safety guidelines issued by your destination country or tour operator. Be sure also to keep up-to-date on local developments and stay aware of your surroundings at all times.





Afghanistan is the most dangerous place in the world to travel to, according to a report released by the World Bank. The report, “World Atlas of Safety and Security 2016”, ranked Afghanistan as the most dangerous country in the world for tourists. The report found that there was an increase in deliberate attacks against tourists in 2015, with 238 incidents reported that year.

The World Bank blames the increase in attacks on insurgents who are targeting foreign nationals because they provide a lucrative source of income. The report also recommends increased security measures for tourists traveling to Afghanistan, such as better identification checks at airports and border crossings, and increased police patrols.


North Korea



The most dangerous places to travel to in the world are North Korea. The country is considered one of the most oppressive and closed off countries in the world. Citizens are not allowed to travel outside the country without government approval, and even then, they are often subjected to strict surveillance and restrictions on movement. This makes it difficult for journalists, researchers, or others to obtain information about what is happening inside the country.

North Korea is also one of the poorest countries in the world, with a GDP per capita that is only slightly above that of Namibia. This means that there is a high level of poverty, hunger, and disease. The government has done little to improve the situation, and many people live in dire conditions with little access to healthcare or education.

In addition to these dangers, North Korea is also one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a tourist. There is a high level of crime and violence in the country, and tourists are particularly at risk of being mugged or kidnapped. In 2013, there were reports of eight foreigners being kidnapped in North Korea – five of them Japanese citizens – which led to a major diplomatic row between Japan and North Korea.





Colombia is a risky country to travel to. It has one of the highest homicide rates in the world, with a murder rate of 56 per 100,000 people in 2016. This makes it the most dangerous place in the world to be a woman. It is also one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a foreigner.

The main reasons for this high homicide rate are gang violence and drug trafficking. There are also a lot of armed groups operating in Colombia, which means that travelers should exercise extreme caution when traveling there.





The Elephant Nature Reserve in Myanmar is one of the most dangerous places on Earth to travel to. The reserve is home to an estimated 2,500 wild elephants, but they are increasingly being poached for their ivory. In 2011, there were reports of 60 elephant deaths in the reserve, which is more than any other place in the world.

The main threat to the elephants is poaching, which is done for their tusks. Poachers use firearms, machetes, and spears to kill the elephants. They then take their tusks out of the animals’ bodies, which can sell for up to $35,000 per pound on the black market.

There are also other dangers in the reserve. Elephants are curious and will approach people who are not familiar with them. If a person is startled or scared, they may react in a way that causes harm to the elephant. There have been reports of people being trampled by elephants, and even killed.




Incredibly, there are people out there who want to travel to these destinations for the thrill of it all. However, as we have seen time and time again, traveling to some of these hotspots can be incredibly dangerous – even deadly. If you are interested in traveling to any of these locations, do your research first and make sure you know what risks you are taking by doing so.